What eats Golf balls?

4 Love of Baby Chickens

12 Years
Aug 15, 2007
The middle of Middle Tennessee
Okay I know my chickens are molting except my young pullets and cockerals. But I should be getting 2 eggs a day. I've been lucky if I get 1 every other day. Now my 2 Golf Balls have gone missing!

I'm thinking the 3' Black Snake I've been seeing around the barn is the culprit. How do I prevent him from getting my eggs? My chickens free-range so the door is open all day.
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Sounds like a plan!!
I don't know if they get constipated, lol, but they used to get stuck in the rafters in my mom's friends coop. They'd go in, eat the golf balls, go up to the rafters to try to get out, and get stuck.
all I can say is WOW!! I did not know snakes would eat golf balls, besides that I don't think the snakes here are any where near that big!!!
Does any one know if there are snakes like that in MI?
If your chickens can come and go as they please, how do you know that the Rooster just didn't go out for a bit, and shoot a round of nine? I'd see if his spiked shoes and clubs are missing also

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