What else??


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Besides wild game starter, what else do you feed pheasants? Do they get treats like chickens get? Are there foods to avoid like potatoes for chickens?
I have to tell you that Im loving my pheasants! After work, I pick all three up and place them in the cups of my hands. They ball up and go to sleep for an hour or so. So cool
I plant about 15 hills of Zuchinni LOL. THats a lot by the way. I sliced them in whatever size chuncks and throw them into the pens. All but the skin is gone by the next day. Cherry Tomatoes are also loved. Pumpkins, other squash. Lawn clippings even. Sweet clover, alfalfa. They love it all. Some do and don't like fruits and you have to watch the leftovers from being a stinky mess like watermelon and cantelope. I've planted raspberries and currents around some of my pens and the birds love picking them from the bush themselves.
Can I start feeding them these treats now, or do I need to wait till a certain age? They are just shy of a week old.
Im totally hooked! Dont tell anyone, but I think that I enjoy my pheasants more than the chickens
Mealworms are good and small bits of fruit. You need to watch out that they don't fill up on stuff and NOT get enough protein. Mealworms have lots of protein. Except for soem of my particular pheasants like the peacock ones, I tend to just feed starter fro a couple weeks.

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