What % Feed for Call Ducklings?

Mrs. Turbo :

Is the nutrena chick starter you get a mash, or does it come in both mash and crumbles? I picked up 2 bags and both were mash. Ive read you cant give waterfowl mash, so I was mixing it with water, and they loved it.

not sure what you mean by mash, our mash is "wet crumbles"......we feed the ducklings the crumbles and the adults get pellets. I know some feed is really fine like a powder and that can choke the ducks and get stuck up their nose.....

Ican let you in on another trick we learned along the way......if our duck lay soft shell eggs we add some hog grower in the feed. It is high in calcium. Oyster shells are always left in the bowl, no matter how small so it doesn't do the job.....lol​

The feed is a powder that I got. So I was mixing it with water and making it like a wet mush, so they ducklings wouldnt choke.
Scifisarah, thanks for posting this!! I was just coming on here to post a thread asking the very same question.

I hope you don't mind if I threadjack and ask other questions....
but they may be of some help to you too, hopefully... I am wondering how soon I can give my little Calls (nearly 2 weeks old) greens/grass, etc.? Also, can you ever free-range Calls? I would love to not keep my little guys in a run all of the time, but I have never had ducks before--will they come back to their run/coop at night like a chicken?

I feel so dumb when it comes to my ducks, I've only ever done chickens.

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