What gender are these three mutts?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 30, 2011
One of my bantam hens hatched these three babies. They are 10 weeks old now, and I can't figure out what sex they are. I think the two black ones are hens and the whitest one is a rooster, but maybe that one is just more red because it has lighter skin?

I am not sure what breeds are involved. The dad was most likely a Silver Spangled Hamburg. I don't know which hens they came from, but they were all light brown eggs.

I have promised all of the pullets to a friend, and I don't want to give her roosters by mistake :)

Thanks for any help!

All pullets.
I know this post was a year old, but I had to update that all three of the birds pictured ended up being roosters. I gave them to my friend and told her that the online chicken experts confirmed their pulletness. Nine months later she mentioned that she hadn't been getting any eggs and that her hens were making funny noises. Sure enough, three of the most obvious roosters I have ever seen. Floored that she failed to notice for so long!

Oh well, can't win them all :)
That is funny that you just updated because I was going to say they all looked like cockerels until I saw the date and then read to the end to see every one elses opinions. :) Sorry they all ended up being boys.

BTW...I was basing my decision on the fact that they all appeared to have down turning (arched) tails and they stood more erect than a pullet stands. Those are my two telltale signs along with a reddening comb.
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Yeah those do look like pullets at first glance, until you enlarge the pictures and look a bit closer.

Sorry for only getting rooboys.

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