What gender? big bird...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
We picked up the big white bird in my avatar about a month ago at an auction. We thought it was a hen and in fact it was sold as a hen. We have been calling it a girl, has not layed an egg yet though and today it was showing some "rooster" behavior...dropping a wing and "shuffling" towards one of our other hens, did this a few times. I have not heard/seen any crowing yet from this bird, but today I thought maybe its a young large breed rooster? I would put the pic on my post, but I can't yet... not enough posts yet I guess?

Here is the unknown gender bird. Would love to hear any opinions on gender and or breed. Thanks! I might be able to get some better pics if needed.
definitely a roo. see the saddle feathers.

can't say or breed

Thanks! I will have to go look at the feathers in person closer... I can't really see it in my own pic...LOL
He has not crowed yet, that I know of, so that must mean he is pretty young right? He is huge compared to my other birds! I wonder what breed he is?? I am used to more of the game type birds though, so maybe he isn't that big really? All this time we thought "Whitey" was a hen, LOL, and then this morning he/she did that rooster move with the wing towards one of our hens, I almost fell over with surprise, and then it happened again! He lets me get really close to him, but a couple of times inside the coop, I wasn't going to catch him or anything, but I guess he felt "pressured" and sort of got his hackles up/puffed up neck feathers, and I thought that was weird too... none of my game type chickens have ever done that, hens or roosters, and I have only had hens of other breeds and have never seen that with any of them. I have seen the game chickens do that to each other when they get in a scuffle, and he wasn't looking like he would fight me, just like he didn't want to be touched. He also won't get up on the roost yet. Sleeps on a step inside the coop door. Looks around like he would like to get up, but won't even try.
Now I am calling him a he... wait until I tell my son! LOL
Looks like a white rock cockerel. Pretty boy, such clean feathers.

Any guess to the age? I am going to google the White Rocks and see what I can find. He really is pretty, only white bird we have and in the last month I think he has gotten even prettier.
At first he would hardly leave the coop even with the door open. Then he got where he would just stay in/around the barn. Now he is starting to range about a bit more with the other birds. Our game bird rooster got after him once, when he was chasing after one of the other hens... I thought it was just hens, working out the pecking order and our game rooster "Rango" was just lining them out... but maybe he was going after him because he is another HE.
Any guess to the age? I am going to google the White Rocks and see what I can find. He really is pretty, only white bird we have and in the last month I think he has gotten even prettier.
At first he would hardly leave the coop even with the door open. Then he got where he would just stay in/around the barn. Now he is starting to range about a bit more with the other birds. Our game bird rooster got after him once, when he was chasing after one of the other hens... I thought it was just hens, working out the pecking order and our game rooster "Rango" was just lining them out... but maybe he was going after him because he is another HE.

I'd guess he's around a year to a year and a half since you said he's still growing hackle and saddle feathers. He probably won't crow with your dominant rooster keeping him in his place.
I'd guess he's around a year to a year and a half since you said he's still growing hackle and saddle feathers. He probably won't crow with your dominant rooster keeping him in his place.

My other rooster, Rango, is not even a year old yet, and I have only seen him get after the white bird that one time. Rango ranges out a lot further with most of the hens, but even when they are both in the same area they seem to be okay around each other. When I have had more than one rooster in the past, they all crowed, but they were the game type roosters, and we did have to either separate them, or at one time we had two that sort of seemed to get along without too much fussing... they each had their own set of hens that stayed with them and they just stayed out of each others way. This white bird's comb isn't very big either, is that just because of his age?

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