What Gender is my Polish :-)

I vote pullet too. Mt polish roo had more of a fan shape at that age before his spiky feathers began to grow in around 12 weeks.

ETA picture.

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Cockerel has my vote. But please let us know what it turns out to be. It would be interesting to have follow ups on them.
Hmmmm. I'm in the same boat as you. What I see here is a poof that's a girl shape. But there are some narrow feathers in there. The wattles, comb and cere are too early to tell. The saddle, well if it's the saddle, it looks like a boy, if it's the wings, no sign here. My male last year had a round poof but the poof feathers all looked like they they were swept back and smooth. The females looked kind of fluffy and turned in different ways. I'm finding that mine all have conflicting signs, even at 8 weeks. I'm gonna say boy but those signs could possibly change till one or two signs surely say boy.
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From the shape of the crest and the fact that hackle & saddle feathers appear rounded not pointed it would appear to be a pullet.
Thanks all...I'm kind of hoping for a girl because now that my 3 day old silver laced polish died I have no buddy for it so I hope to find a male to breed with her later in. Like the male to be younger so he's not so pushy on her. That way when he's ready, she will be ready LOL Thanks for your votes! Either way I will be keeping her/ him

yes you get him to make into soup lol

UGH! NO he won't be made into soup!
That's crazy talk!
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