What gender is this chicken!?


In the Brooder
Dec 24, 2015
Alright everyone, I have finally decided to ask the question I have been wondering about for a year. What gender is this he/she? My he/she is named Betsy and he/she is a New Hampshire. I always thought Betsy was a hen because he/she lays eggs. Around a year ago I began to get curious as to why my "hen" has spurs and a giant comb. My rooster does breed her. Is it possible to have a transgender chicken? Or is my Betsy just a weirdo?
The picture isn't working for me
No picture, but spurs do not always means rooster. Ive had a couple of hens that have had spurs, even my little silkie hen who raises many chicks had spurs, some just grow them. And depending on the breed, some hens can have big combs too
If your bird lays eggs, it's a hen. Hatchery birds often have Leghorn or other production blood in their ancestry, giving larger combs. Spurs can be present in both genders, so that's not an issue. Your bird isn't transgender, just a hen.

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