What gender?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 22, 2014
November 19, 2015 this one hatched out of a group I was trying to hatch. It's dad is a speckled Sussex and believe the mom is a Australorp. Am really hoping for a Roo . Is it too early to tell? he/she is 1 month and 12 days old.

If your hoping for a roo it will probably be a pullet lol just how it works. The people who want them usually don't get them. it doesn't happen cart often someone in here wants a boy
It's crazy how the whole thing came about...... I had the Dad of this chick and raised him from a chick, my dogs have never been a problem with them in two years. Just outof the blue one of my dogs killed the "Dad ".. i knew he had been fetilizing the recent layers at that point. So I kept a dozen of the eggs and incubated them. Well this one is what hatched and that is why I was hoping it was a Roo. To replace it's Dad, and since it was an only thinking it mightbe okay in the coop once introduced......

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