What happened to the price of oyster shell?


13 Years
Jan 18, 2007

I just finished off a 50# bag of oyster shell that has lasted me for years. Off I trundled to the farm store, only to find that it is over $7.00 for a five pound bag! What happened?
trying to remember where warren is, if you close enough to the canadian border i'd just head to a closest co-op there and get it there...just hope your french is good, i called a hospital in quebec once and get yelled at for not speaking french to the hospital opp
There's a feed store in Salem NY that has oyester shell in 50 lb bags for a good price but I forgot exactly how much. There is another store in Dorset VT that has them for a good price too. I'm not sure if you are close enough to make the trip worth while though. The smaller the bag the higher the price, the big bags are cheaper but it will take a very long time to go through 50 lbs.
Ah - Dorset is my hometown - I am there frequently visiting my sisters and mom. Is it H.N. Williams?
We just bought some oster shell this past weekend . Its only .50 a pound here. They ahve a 50lb bag but thats alot of shell to have sitting around. We buy it by the pound when we need it and its fresh. Micki
Oh, are you lucky! We try to be in Saratoga for as much of the racing season as we possibly can.

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