What happens when foxes start eating chickens (graphic)

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Sorry, but shooting the predators is protecting my livestock.
So if I had the birds in a 5' high fenced in field, and a fox jumped the fence and killed chickens, you'd be ok with killing the fox? Or would you expect one to spend $100's or even $1000's of dollars that they might not have to fortify the field further?

Thankfully I don't live in Europe, and have plenty of ammo.
I have to agree with you!! You would actually need a 7 or 8 foot covered fence actually, Foxes not only can climb, they can jump a 5-foot fence with no problem.
You are free to be angry at my opinion, but killing any predator is a primitive way of protecting your poultry! A predator is doing what it was created to do, which is to kill to feed itself! You are a bad poultry farmer if you can't protect your animals by fencing your chicken coop with metal mesh. (I also mean the upper part).
If that investment is expensive for you and you don't want to completely fence your animals, then you don't meet all the requirements of the veterinary inspection for raising chickens (that's how it is here in Europe)!
You simply do not have all the conditions for safe breeding of chickens!
There are hunting societies that are responsible for pest control!
If you properly fenced your animals, and the predator still managed to kill them, the hunting company will compensate you for the damage!

See how simple it is in the civilized world?
You are free to be angry at my opinion, but killing any predator is a primitive way of protecting your poultry! A predator is doing what it was created to do, which is to kill to feed itself! You are a bad poultry farmer if you can't protect your animals by fencing your chicken coop with metal mesh. (I also mean the upper part).
If that investment is expensive for you and you don't want to completely fence your animals, then you don't meet all the requirements of the veterinary inspection for raising chickens (that's how it is here in Europe)!
You simply do not have all the conditions for safe breeding of chickens!
There are hunting societies that are responsible for pest control!
If you properly fenced your animals, and the predator still managed to kill them, the hunting company will compensate you for the damage!

See how simple it is in the civilized world?
I'm not angry at your position. However,
Your obviously angry at my position, but killing predators that are actively killing livestock is LEGAL in the USA.
We don't need hunting societies as we are a free nation and are allowed to hunt for our own food and to control predators.

See how simple it is in a civilized FREE world?
I'm not angry at your position. However,
Your obviously angry at my position, but killing predators that are actively killing livestock is LEGAL in the USA.
We don't need hunting societies as we are a free nation and are allowed to hunt for our own food and to control predators.

See how simple it is in a civilized FREE world?
If we think hypothetically, it is enough for me to let my goat into the forest in the USA and wait for a mountain lion or a grizzly to kill it. I kill them under the pretext that they attacked my goat! (I take the trophy, of course)
- Does that make sense?
"You are a free people and you hunt for food" - do you eat predators?
We don't need hunting societies as we are a free nation and are allowed to hunt for our own food and to control predators.
Yes, let’s ask the mountain lions and jaguars in Texas how well that worked out. Or timber wolves, grizzly bears, black bears, and others in much of their historical native ranges.

There’s a reason the scariest thing in the UK is a hedgehog. lol They hunted everything else into extinction. Just because you have the right to do something does not make it the right thing to do. People once thought the oceans were too vast for us to affect them. We now know that is wrong.

That being said, if your animals are properly contained and protected from predation, and you experience losses, I think you are within your rights to remove a nuisance animal through humane practices. But your rights, just because you have the mental capacity to think of them, does not mean animals doing what comes naturally to them is any less important or rightful. :)
If we think hypothetically, it is enough for me to let my goat into the forest in the USA and wait for a mountain lion or a grizzly to kill it. I kill them under the pretext that they attacked my goat! (I take the trophy, of course)
- Does that make sense?
"You are a free people and you hunt for food" - do you eat predators?
If you foolish enough to leave your goat in the forest and it gets eaten, that's your ignorance.
My livestock are in fence in fields, coops, barns. Not loose in the forest.
I sell skins from predators I hunt during their legal seasons ( again we're free to hunt. We don't need to wait for someone that is authorized)

You don't like our methods here in the states, I get that. But for you to say our methods are wrong is ignorance at best.

Some civilizations eat dogs. It's what they have done for generations. Who am I to say thats wrong and disgusting and in a civilized world shouldn't be done.
Make sense?
Yes, let’s ask the mountain lions and jaguars in Texas how well that worked out. Or timber wolves, grizzly bears, black bears, and others in much of their historical native ranges.

There’s a reason the scariest thing in the UK is a hedgehog. lol They hunted everything else into extinction. Just because you have the right to do something does not make it the right thing to do. People once thought the oceans were too vast for us to affect them. We now know that is wrong.

That being said, if your animals are properly contained and protected from predation, and you experience losses, I think you are within your rights to remove a nuisance animal through humane practices. But your rights, just because you have the mental capacity to think of them, does not mean animals doing what comes naturally to them is any less important or rightful. :)
My livestock is properly contained. I still get predators trying for a free meal. Predator gets eliminated. And yes I have the right to kill predators actively killing my livestock. It's is the right thing to do. Am I supposed to watch my livestock die because someone says it's not the right thing to do? Sorry. My rifles are close by, and I'll sleep well knowing there's one less predator around trying to kill my, or others, livestock.
That's fine. I have eliminated predators when necessary. I'm just saying there needs to be a balance. Free-ranging birds and sitting on a porch with a shotgun is ignorant. Keeping them in a secure run/coop and taking action should your defenses be breached is something else entirely. That's like my friend constantly losing birds to his neighbor's dogs when he has pens that look like a blind person raided a junk yard to make. Well of course the dogs can get it. I could get in. With my bare hands and my eyes closed. A blanket policy on blasting any "varmit" is silly. That's all. :)
I wrote hypothetically!
If it is stupid to leave a goat in the forest unprotected, then why is it smart to leave chickens in a chicken coop unprotected?
Do you understand now?
It's not the poor fox's fault that you made it possible for her to kill your chickens, it's only your fault!
You, as an animal breeder, must provide your animals with the best living conditions in captivity: Treat them from diseases - because they cannot heal themselves! Feed them - because they cannot feed themselves, they are imprisoned! Defend them from predators - because they I can't defend myself by sleeping high in the trees!
If you can't fulfill those three simple rules with them, you should be banned from keeping animals!
Killing predators is not a permanent and effective solution!
Complete fencing is the only correct, civilized and humane way!
Cheers my dear Americans!
I wrote hypothetically!
If it is stupid to leave a goat in the forest unprotected, then why is it smart to leave chickens in a chicken coop unprotected?
Do you understand now?
It's not the poor fox's fault that you made it possible for her to kill your chickens, it's only your fault!
You, as an animal breeder, must provide your animals with the best living conditions in captivity: Treat them from diseases - because they cannot heal themselves! Feed them - because they cannot feed themselves, they are imprisoned! Defend them from predators - because they I can't defend myself by sleeping high in the trees!
If you can't fulfill those three simple rules with them, you should be banned from keeping animals!
Killing predators is not a permanent and effective solution!
Complete fencing is the only correct, civilized and humane way!
Cheers my dear Americans!
My coops and runs are predator proof. I have 2 of my 8 acres fenced in with 3 large dogs helping to keep predators at bay. I still have fox and coyotes jump the fence at night and during the day when we're not home and the dogs are inside, try to get at the chickens. I've had birds injured because they were bouncing around the coop/run so violently as the predator did it's best to get at them. But it's the predators right to do so, according to you. Sorry. Bang, flop. One less predator.

Sheep are in a paddock. They can't get away from a coyote. According to you, sheep should be in a covered paddock so coyotes can't get at them. But if one does, according to you, it's the coyotes right. Nope... Bang, flop.

Fortunately, I don't have to abide by "your perceived rules" you have know right telling me or anyone else we should be banned from owning livestock because of your opinion.

The next few predators I kill, I do so in your honor....
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