What Have You Rescued?

Nothing lately but too many darn cats.
Lets see.
The usual cats and dogs over the years.
Yosimite a kitten about 3 weeks old in the dead of winter middle of a field with his dead siblings next to him.
Tank a kitten that the mom dropped by the stock tank and had not returned for 18 hours later.
A.C.E. a kitten that some kids were teasing a LARGE dog with and her friend Norton J. Snodgrass.
Tudi and Larry also kittens found in the winter and dropped off at my house. They were very sick. Poor dears.
Many cats that people had dumped near where I lived were taken in vetted and rehomed.
Monkey was one of those cats. He was dumped at about 4 months old and so thin he could fit under doors in my house. He is very shy and still lives here at age 13.
Suki a dog age 11 from folks that thought junk food was good for dogs.

Kismet a dog. Recently passed due to age would have been put down because of her size if she went with her siblings. The owners were provided with names and addresses of no kill shelters.
They still took them to a kill shelter. It was to late when I got there 2 days later.
My boys Jack and Sparky (dogs) were so thin you could easily count the vertebre and ribs. Not sure if they count as a rescue but I am glad we got them.

Then there were many small birds and turtles as well as a few bats over the years.

I have always felt we were blessed to be able to help any of them.
Once, when I was fishing, I found two small catfish tangled in some line, along the shoreline. I released them....Fifteen minutes later, I caught a 5lb. catfish...I figured God and I were Even Steven.
I rescued a juvenile seagull yesterday. He was fine a few days ago, but yesterday, he was sick and mostly paralyzed. I think he ate a bad crayfish. We usually have a few juveniles die off this time of year. I also rescued some wild ducklings that were stolen from their mom. When they were returned, they were rejected by her. I took both to a wildlife rehabber. The ducklings were released a month later and are doing fine.

I often try to rescue animals caught in fishing line, but it's not easy.

I used to rescue stray cats and dogs all the time as a kid.
Without starting a debate here, don't you think children should always have a pet, or be in contact with someone who does have a pet? I believe with all my heart that it teaches love, compassion, responsibility and plain human kindness. I have a rescue dog, well . . .actually two . . .my great pyrs are rescues,
just bought two alpaca males because I was scared the owner was going to make big cat meat out of them the way he was talking (and he has big cats to feed them too!) and have 6 cockatiels that the owner didn't want and was going to give away and it worried me about who might get them . . .its one thing to take something, completely different story to "raise" them, as you all know.

Love these stories!!! I had a BIL who would literally stop traffic and let snakes cross the road. . .I do it too, would couldn't get out and pick him up I don't think. Not really scared, but still . . . .

I think pets are great,but not when you are the only one tending to their needs.Kids should be responsible and if not-no pets.
Alot of dogs, rehoming some of them to better situations. Cats, llamas, goats, and of course, chickens.
My daughter wanted two pet mice, so she purchased two feeder mice. It was rescueing in her eyes.
I've rescued a baby bird, I think it was a baby swallow or finch. I have a collection of decorative bird houses on the side of my mini shop. Wind knocked over some of the houses, and there were 3 little featherless babies in one of the houses. 2 were dead, one was barely hanging on. I took it inside, got the heat lamp and theremometer ready, and called the wild life rehab center. She told me to to feed it Science Diet feline cat food, mushed up in water... every 2 - 3 hours. Ugh, I thought "what had I gotten myself into?" Anyway, little guy was doing really good. Then I noticed that even though it was acting hungry, nothing was going down. I think he got some food stuck or something, because we came back to check on it, and it was dead with food coming up out of its mouth.
It was so sad, he choked on food that apparently was too much to go down or something, and it came back up, blocking its airway. I felt so bad.
Rescued a baby crow once, back at my old house. Usually, when you find a baby bird, they tell you to put it back at the base of the tree, and the mama will find it. Well the tree this guy came out of was in my neighbor's house, who was shooting crows! Therefore, I took it in, and called the wildlife center. Took him there. Looked to have a broken wing, so not sure how that turned out.
I stop and move snakes and lizards out of the road too, lol! Now, my girls are doing the same thing!!! Aww, my little mini- mees
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The common dogs and cats
I try to rescue all the animals I see my cats chasing (mice, chipmunks, moles, etc.)
A baby flying squirrel
We have really tall trees and In the spring we get some baby robins that fall out of nests. We place them on our mudroom roof in a partially covered box so the moms can take care of them. They normally stay until they can fly.

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