What Have You Rescued?

Been there with a mob of bluejays.

My cat always got divebombed in Fl, the birdies didnt know he only hunted anoles.
What a wonderful little dog Oma looks. i don't know what it is about Jack Russells? They are so noisy and bossy, but we seem to have somehow acquired the reputation of understanding these little terrors and are now approached by rescue organisations to accommodate them if we can. I also like old dogs, although two of ours are very young, Jack Russell Welsh Collie crosses. I guess we are all suckers for a hard luck story on this forum.
I rescued a Canadian Goose years ago. It was when they were just flying down this far south. It had got tangled in fishing line and was dragging about a 20 foot tangle behind it. I caught the line with a fishing pole and caught the goose. The line was around its leg and was cut down to the bone. I carried the goose to my house and used wire cutters to get the line off. The goose never fought me. Once I got the line off I hauled it back to the pond and let it go.

Last year our neighbors ducks came to our house to eat chicken feed that was wasted by the chickens. One day a big white duck had a six pack ring around her neck. She could not swallow. I caught her and cut it off. She just sat there in my arms. Everyday afterwards she would come running up to me and eat out of my hands. I could pick her up and pet her. They came over everyday all Summer. They quit coming this Winter when they had ate all the persimmons off the ground under the tree.

Also saved a kitten. Still have her. She stays in the house with our other cat named Johnny Cash. Her name is Pepper Sprout. She was abused and is very nervous. She hides under the couch all day and comes out when the house gets quiet. She only lets me pet her. My wife calls her crazy and sings that song Crazy Girl to her because she wont have anything to do with her. She is a good cat and you really can't blame her for being so timid.


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