What (If anything) should I do about this hen?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 24, 2013
I have a red pullet who is about 16 weeks old. Last night she didn't come in at night and I couldn't find her, but she showed up this morning. I was happy that she was back, but tonight she's gone again. I can't imagine she's broody or laying yet, and I know they aren't mating yet.

Any thoughts? Does she just like the fresh air? Is it possible she's getting broody without actually laying, or laying this early?
It's possible she found a tree or somewhere she likes to sleep. I would suggest watching your chickens and catching her before she goes off to her new spot, and putting her back in the coop.

Are your chickens free ranging or in a run?
If you are an urban chicken owned, consider clipping one wing to keep her in your yard.

It's interesting that she is going off by herself instead of staying with the flock. Is she the "low chicken"? Could she be laying and staying with her eggs? Should doesn't have to be broody to do this. Our RIR usually start laying between 16 and 18 weeks.
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Nobody's laying yet that I've seen, and I'm thinking it's kind of early, but I've never done this before, so I could be wrong!

I'm in the country - we have four acres, there's a large cow farm on two sides of us and the neighbors on the other side also have chickens. The back is all woods.
oops, I missed that you said your RIRs were laying around this time. That's a lot earlier than I expected! It's certainly possible.
When I first started raising chickens my Lucy disappeared the second night and I was out there looking for her for hours with a flash light I could not find her anywhere the next morning I got up and ran out to see if she came back and she was not there went to get my husband to help me look came back and there she was same thing next night the next morning I went out no sign I waited and she flew out of a tree above my yard the next night she went up in the same tree and we shook her out and put her in the coop the next night she stayed in the coop from then on lol Once they learn where to go they will go
Thank you guys. She showed up again this morning, but I couldn't figure out where she's coming from. I am going to try to follow her tonight - we have tons of places for a determined hen to hide, several of which are covered with poison ivy...
So this evening we had a storm coming in, and all of the chickens ran for the coop - including my hen. So I shut them in - I'll have to let the ducks in later tonight, but I am hoping if I keep her in for the night she'll get the picture.

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