What in the world is this?


Mar 5, 2024
One day, after a baby bird we had rescued died and broke our hearts, we decided we wanted a chicken (A small one, that is.). We searched everywhere; nobody had any. This was July of last year. We asked feed stores, friends, EVERYBODY. Then, one day, we got a text from our friend. She had found a little black chick wandering in her yard. 5 toes. Fluffy feet. Newly hatched. Of course, we took it. The friend said she thought it was a silkie, though she had only 3 silkies. 2 old hens, 1 old rooster. She also had about 100 other chickens as well, but she was sure it was a black silkie chick. There were no other small chicks, so we raised her alone. We thought she might get depressed, but she was perfectly happy. She loved to jump on us, fly on to furniture, fight with stuffed animals; she was adorable. When she grew up, she laid her first egg. We were quite relieved that she was a hen, but by that time it was clear: This was NOT a silkie, or at least not quite. We asked the friend who gave us her what she was. She said the following breeds: Silkie, appenzeller, cochin, and Japanese bantam. Wow. That is a lot of breeds. But what do you think? She is the mother of two OEGB crosses and one blue cochin now. But what could she be?

(NOTE: There is no way she is ayam cemani, the friend had no ayam cemanis.)
(NOTE #2: I will post more pictures.)
(NOTE #3: She is 10 months old.)
I forgot to add that her hair doesn't look like that, she gets it wet sometimes and it goes crazy.
I still think that's what she is. A full body photo would help, but she's definitely not pure Silkie, and she doesn't look like she has the right shape to be a Cochin or Japanese bantam cross.
cute hen, i noticed the little feathery top hat, i see those on Legbars, what are the chances? its a distinct legbar feature and they are smallish birds..what color eggs is she laying?
cute hen, i noticed the little feathery top hat, i see those on Legbars, what are the chances? its a distinct legbar feature and they are smallish birds..what color eggs is she laying?
Most birds with only one Crest gene also look like that. I had several last year from a crested and non-related parent that matched the size and shape

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