What Irritates you the most?

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Thank you......there are days I'm sure you are one of only a few who do.
I promise to PM you the next time how much I love your reply!! Hope you have a sunny day where you are! It is sunny here but cold...while I am enjoying BYC & doing my laundry, DH is out "electrifying" my chicken coop! Theresa

Another irritating thing, the local weatherman/woman telling us about the first snowfall. Did not happen and if it had, they were expecting 1 -2 inches. Lad de dah!! No big deal! What the big deal to me was the temp drop. Last Sunday it was 53 degrees, Friday night on the way home from work it was a whopping 21 degrees!! My poor chickens, who are doing just fine now that I put in my heated waterer for them!
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oh oh thought of another one last night cause it was happening and I wanted to throttle the person
People who are constantly texting or talking on their cellphone contraptions even when they are visiting someones house/
watching a movie/or when I am trying to have a conversation with them face to face and I get put on" hold" so they can check their latest text or send one
Darn cellphones all to heck.
Agreed! I see my nephews rarely, and they are always on the phone! Makes me want to have them check them at the door!

I thought of another gripe, which is pointed at forum users in general- people who have to start a topic for every little thing that happens in their lives!
Those inane and useless threads push the real emergencies and inquiries off the page and they get lost.
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I agree!

I often wonder what is (or maybe isn't) going thru their minds to want to share every bit of dirty laundry that's going on in their lives!!!
I agree!

I often wonder what is (or maybe isn't) going thru their minds to want to share every bit of dirty laundry that's going on in their lives!!!

I have to agree, although I do go and post on those threads sometimes, I still wonder - why post about this? seems so weird.

(need to start one about my bathroom habits!
Liars, Thieves, Cheats, RUDE people/children and people who think they know it all.

There are lots of things that bother me but those are the biggies.

I think stupid should be painful!
I agree!

I often wonder what is (or maybe isn't) going thru their minds to want to share every bit of dirty laundry that's going on in their lives!!!

I have to agree, although I do go and post on those threads sometimes, I still wonder - why post about this? seems so weird.

(need to start one about my bathroom habits!

I'd dare you, but I know you'd take me up on it!!!!!
I agree!

I often wonder what is (or maybe isn't) going thru their minds to want to share every bit of dirty laundry that's going on in their lives!!!

I have to agree, although I do go and post on those threads sometimes, I still wonder - why post about this? seems so weird.

(need to start one about my bathroom habits!

Please no!

I should add that starting a thread about personal life isn't that bad- it's when people start 3-5 threads a day that it gets me!
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