What is a dark blob at day 11 candling?


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
This is my first time candling. Marilyn has been sitting on her clutch of 6 for 11 days now. We candled with a simple LED flashlight and have no idea what we're seeing.

All the eggs have a big, dark blob in them (about the size of 1/3 of the egg). When we rotate the egg, the blob "floats" to the top. We're not seeing any movement or vessles or pulsating or anything. No rotten smells. Developing, infertile, rotting? What do we have on our hands?

Rooster to hen ratio is 1:18.

All the eggs are brown and thick/hard shelled

I'm telling my husband to leave them alone. He wants to get rid of them so they don't rot and explode on Marilyn.
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If there's dark masses in them and they don't smell, then they are, or at least, were fertile. It is a little harder to see through a darker shell egg. When you candle, make sure the room is completely dark and really watch for movement. You should see some by now. Some parts of a fertile egg do move freely upon moving the egg. But it could also mean early-mid death, and the actual embryo will float freely as well. You kind of have to learn to spot the difference. I'd candle again in 2 or so days. If they don't stink, they should be ok for now till you candle again. Really look for movement and some nice veins. If not, then I'd toss them. Smell each egg too. You'll know when they are rotting.

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