What is a Giant Cochin?

She is a buff. Some of her feathers appear white in this picture because of the lighting, is all.
She was my favorite chicken. She got snatched by something just over a month ago. I still can't believe she's gone.

Kanchii, I am soooo sorry about you losing your hen! I only have one, a Dominque, that is real friendly. She comes and pulls on my clothes or pecks my shoes when she wants me to pick her up. We just got rid of all the Dominiques but her. My dh put a red plastic band on her leg so I wouldn't get her mixed up and sold with the others. I have too many different breeds, which was fine when I started out raising chickens but now I want to just have a few breeds. I have buff orps who are the same color as your gorgeous cochin. I hope you find another one to fall in love with and never lose her.


Meet Mildred, aka "Mildew" my black cochin with my friend Sandra. I totally forgot about this picture. It's probably the funniest image ever.

AND Mildew has gotten quite a bit bigger since then!!!! If you can even believe that!
My wife and I agree. Whenever I get the camera out, I always snap a couple extra of him. She wants to enter him into a show at a fair, but I am having trouble finding out how to get in at the county/state fair w/o being in 4H or FFA.

Plus I don't know how he would like being separated from the flock.

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