What is an appropriate size coop for 10 chickens?


Jun 12, 2022
Mojave Desert
What is an appropriate size coop for 10 chickens? Is 6'x6' enough for them in general? I'm not considering building a new coop just yet, but the nesting boxes would be protruding from the side and there would be one roosting bar. Thanks!
Welcome to BYC.

The Usual Guidelines

For each adult, standard-sized hen you need:

  • 4 square feet in the coop (.37 square meters)
  • 10 square feet in the run (.93 square meters),
  • 1 linear foot of roost (.3 meters),
  • 1/4 of a nest box,
  • And 1 square foot (.09 square meters) of permanent, 24/7/365 ventilation, preferably located over the birds' heads when they're sitting on the roost.
8 hens
  • 32 square feet in the coop. 4'x8' is approaching the limits for a non-walk-in coop even with the access door in the middle. 6'x6' should be walk-in because even the tallest chicken-keeper won't be able to reach the far wall.
  • 8 feet of roost
  • 80 square feet in the run. 8'x10' is a nice looking number but, remembering the common dimensions of lumber, a roomier 8'x12' is actually easier to build. 6'x14' looks good on paper but would require a lot of weird cuts.
  • 8 square feet of ventilation.
  • 2-3 nest boxes.
12 hens
  • 48 square feet in the coop. 6'x8' is more practical than 4'x12' since a long, skinny coop like that would be difficult to work inside.
  • 12 feet of roost
  • 120 square feet in the run. 10'x12' or 8'x15' -- 8'x16' means fewer odd cuts than either of those. 6'x20' is possible, especially if your run is an open-topped, fenced area instead of fully-enclosed with a solid and/or wire roof but risks social problems because subordinate hens need to be able to pass the dominant hens at a respectful distance.
  • 12 square feet of ventilation.
  • 3 nest boxes.
Your climate would be very well suited to an Open Air coop -- which combines coop and run into one structure. Essentially, a big wire box with a 3-sided shelter on one end.
I feel that size would work fine if you raise all 10 together and don't plan on adding any more. My original 7 girls will squish together but they don't allow any younger ones on their roost.

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