What is attacking my ducks!?

Ooh..snapping turtle recipes! which section? I've seen snapper females even attack lambs Colts and dogs as well as game fish and ducks as well as swan and geese (babies to adults drug under and drowned or just torn apart), on my neighbors farm ponds as well as lakes ect were "natural" food was ample available.
We witnessed a black bellied whistling duck get pulled down and drowned by a Snapping turtle. The momma duck stayed on the bank with her 9 ducklings. It was awful. The duck put up a helluva fight and was screaming. That is what drew our attention to it. I’ve never heard a duck scream like that and I don’t want to again. I can’t get it out of my mind. The circle of life can be quite cruel.
We witnessed a black bellied whistling duck get pulled down and drowned by a Snapping turtle. The momma duck stayed on the bank with her 9 ducklings. It was awful. The duck put up a helluva fight and was screaming. That is what drew our attention to it. I’ve never heard a duck scream like that and I don’t want to again. I can’t get it out of my mind. The circle of life can be quite cruel.
:welcome I hope I never hear anything like that.

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