What is DE!


Organic. Diatomaceous Earth is the finely ground fossils of prehistoric fresh water diatoms. Kills household and garden pests like cockroaches, ants, slugs, fleas, beetles and many other crawling insects. Works great indoors or out. Insects die within 48 hours of contact. Contains less than 0.1% Crystalline Silica. Food grade. OMRI Listed for use in organic production."
Thank you for the info! I have wanted to do the deep mulch method, but the flies seem to take over. Yuck! I'll look for the DE today and start before winter hits. I love this site. I am so glad I found itj. Thanks
Just be sure to get the food grade DE, as hypnofrogstevie pointed out (nice explanation, btw!), as there's a critical difference. One source is custommilling.com Mine came from Permaguard years ago and it's still just fine.

Some online sellers charge WAY too much, or get you on the shipping
You can also buy directly from their website too.
What would this do to fire ants? Would it be an effective treatment or would it just kill the ones that come out of the nest and leave the rest unharmed?

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