What is going on with my drake


Jul 7, 2021
We think that my drake is drowning other birds and plucking all if their feathers. This has happened to a chicken and a female duck. The last time it happened we caught him in the act he was torturing the female duck after pulling all of her feathers out and was trying to drown her. Why is he doing this? Can i stop him from attacking my other birds? For the record he has never been aggressive with anything before he has grown up with the chickens and the other ducks. The killings were about a little over a week apart.
I have never heard of a drake actually pulling all feathers out of other birds and torturing another bird. You actually saw him pulling all the feathers out and what was the torture?
I do know drakes are known to be rapists to chickens and ducks if more than one drake and if he doesn't have enough females.
What breed of drake? Age? do you keep feed out for your birds during day light?
I have thought at times my drake was trying to drown one of his females but that was before I realized this is normal behavior for drakes and ducks as long as there aren't many drakes ganging up on one female.
I have thought at times my drake was trying to drown one of his females but that was before I realized this is normal behavior for drakes and ducks as long as there aren't many drakes ganging up on one female.
Mine was drake on drake attempted murder. I'm slowly getting down to a better ratio, as the drakes provide evidence as to who is murderous and who is sweet and can stay. LOL.
2 drakes will try to kill each other to claim all the hens. Drakes can do some real damage to chickens if he is trying to breed them.
-Has he actually killed any birds or drawn blood?
-When you say all of their feathers how many is all?
- Is he creating large bald patches of are there just some feathers laying on the ground?
-How many hens and how many drakes do you have?

Is this your first time with a drake? I only ask because I had someone (first time drake owner) call me freaking out saying their drake was going to murder their duck and here the drake was acting like any typical drake would. Ducks mate in water and do not have hands. This ritual to an inexperienced duck owner might appear as drowning or mistreatment, but is just how ducks mate. The drake will hold on my grabbing the back of the females head and push her under. This is why it's important as duck owners that we create an environment where the drakes and hens can live in harmony. By that I mean ensuring we have correct drake to hen ratios (1 drake to 4 hens for docile drake and more for more aggressive drakes), separating any extra feisty drakes during heavy mating seasons and last but not least never keep a drake with chickens. The drakes penis is cork screw shaped and will rip apart a chickens reproductive system. Sorry to be blunt, but when a drake injures a chicken it's not the drakes fault it's whoever put them together.

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