what is hard about hatching/caring for serama chicks?

My Serama are arriving in about an hour....lol. DH drove 5 hours one way to get them!

I tried hatching 3 different sets of eggs and ended up with one lone survivor last week out of 30 eggs.

I dont know what makes them harder to hatch, I just know that they are.

Others have had way better luck using a broody vs a 'bator.

Do you have some or are you thinking of getting some?
I haven't had any trouble yet (fingers crossed!). Easy hatching, nice to work with, cute, even cleaning their bottoms went okay!
I have spent a small fortune getting Serama eggs in the mail. I had 30 eggs recently and five survived to the last day and pipped and then couldn't hatch. I tried to help but they died.

Out of the probably 100 eggs and two incubators and lots of time and money. I have four chicks hatched from eggs that I got in the mail Most of the eggs I got in the mail were porous. However, I bought a pair of Serama adults and feed them Petamine and calcium enriched grit and when I candled the shells, they were great. So as the hen laid an egg, I would pencil the date and put in the incubator. I am VERY successful with my own eggs and the lady that sold me the eggs that hatched knew about making sure that the little chickens got the very best nutrition. My hen's eggs were screaming inside the shell. The other unborn chicks had no vitality and just faded away.

So I'm looking forward to many successful hatches with my own chickens. They are very difficult to hatch because they are so small. Unlike other chicks I've had, they can't even stand up for a day or more after they are born. I think it's their conformation. If you look at the adults, their chests stick out, their legs are further back. My problem now is that my Seramas are "C's" and I wonder if I'm feeding them too much?

But here are my successes. I love the mottled little roo. He is also frizzled. I think he's show quality! He gets more beautiful every day!

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