what is it? Marek's disease?


Mar 4, 2019
I need help, I hatched 3 turkeys and they are about 3 months old! they are getting sick one at a time. no symptoms except lethargic , loss of appetite, and balance ( which i say is because they become weak! someone suggested Marek's disease. i have grown peacocks and peahens and grown Turkeys in the same yard with them . they are in a pen and the adults do free range in the yard. I also have chickens in a yard about 700 yards away. what do i need to do? i haVE HAD ALL THESE BIRDS FOR ABOUT 3 YEARS AND NONE HAVE EVER GOTTEN SICK! i RAISED BABY CHICKS IN THE SAME PEN A MONTH EARLIER THAN THE Turkeys and they are fine! where did this come from and how do i get rid of it> Are my older birds in danger? any idea as to what it is? My 3rd baby is still healthy the 2nd got sick about 2 weeks after the first one. I dont want to loose all my birds!! Thanks for advice!! Also the first one died after 5 days of noticing it acting lethatgic. vet said possible Marek's , 2nd one is on day one of lethargic. eatiing starter wild game food, some scratch added at 2 months. in and out on grass. nothing different of others i have raised who did great.
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Sorry you're experiencing this. I'm not familiar with turkeys, and not a health expert. I wanted to give your thread a little bump to keep it from getting lost and provide the little bit of help I'm confident to offer.

Mareks will have been brought in by another bird. Are your hatchlings all from your own birds? Have you added any new birds of any species? What is your flock being fed?

If you're in the US, I suggest you contact your state vet. A necropsy can confirm Mareks. You may be able to go through your usual vet to get this done, but likely your stare vet would charge less. My state (VA) offers a subsidy for backyard keepers.

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