What is it??

If its a opossum, will it try to eat the chickens?
Well that depends, if it's small. Prob not. If its large and hungry it could. They are not as vicious and strong as raccoons. I let all opossum live here. They dont ever bother my chickens. They usually get caught in the run at night eating leftover scraps. But I've rehabbed more baby opossum than I can remember. Had one particular one I named Ping. Who lived with me till she passed of old age.
Thanks for everyone's help, flushed it out! Baby Opossum, yikes!


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Definitely move it out! Someday chicken will be on the menu, it doesn't need to feel at home at your coop.
We have horses here, and have zero tolerance for any in the barn or yard, not to mention in the chicken coop. We have lost birds at night to adult opossums too. And had a very expensively treated mare (twice!) who lived but was disabled for life because of EPM, from opossum poo.
Any gap larger than an inch is going to allow all kinds of stuff in. Snakes, rats, weasels.....apparently possums as big or bigger than a rat. Gaps around doors need not be residential door tight, but nothing larger than 1/4". And ideally should have a stop on jamb on both sides and top......and hopefully some type of threshold along the bottom to seal it up from entry along door edges.

But are you sure it's a gap at the door? Same applies everywhere.....unless you want to allow trouble to enter, no gaps anywhere larger than an inch. Hardware cloth (1/2" x 1/2" and metal so can't be chewed through) is your friend.
More important question is how did it get in the coop?
That was my first thought. They grow up and like chickens. Many years ago before I had my electric wires up, a possum dug under a fence and killed a bird. I left the bird as bait and put a trap where it had gone under the fence and I caught the possum. Right after that I put the electric wires up and have had no intrusions since. Most predators first explore with their noses. I put the bottom wire low enough so whatever was sniffing around couldn't avoid the wires. Once they know it's there they don't test it again. Good luck...

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