What is making my ducks fat?

The Pekin is a breed that was developed as a "meat-bird", to grow fast and be slaughtered young. Sadly that has led to an uncontrollable appetite in some of the birds. You need to observe them: Are they frequently visiting the feeder and fill up on the pellets? If yes, you need to ration their food and cannot make it available 24x7 or they will just eat themselves to death. I doubt it is the treats alone.
One of my White Layer ducks (Blanca) is some kind of a food addict. She is fine as long as she knows there is food available, but when i have to take away the feeder for some time, for example to clean out the duck house, she freaks out and comes quacking at me every five minutes. Usually when food is back, she stuffs herself so full that she cannot walk anymore, one night she slept with her head in the feeder:

How much space do they have to roam around? Although Pekin ducks don't like to walk very much, they might be motivated by the Runners to forage and burn some calories.
Oh my gosh, too funny. :lau

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