****What is my little pullet? ***


8 Years
Feb 16, 2011
New Jersey
Ok so she is just a tad bigger then a serama. She is 8 months. Not laying.

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Oh and she has feathers on her legs l. Her legs are greenish yellownand she has four toes. Her comb is much redder and she has wattles now. This was taken a while ago
She's a mix of something being that she has the red duckwing color and lightly feathered leggs. Probably a OEG mix, I uused to have one that looked just like her that I hatched from a firends eggs but her lineage was generations of mixed bantams so I have no idea exactly what she was.
i would also guess oegb x brahama mixed as i dont see anything that would say a creasted or bearded breed although it could be possable that they are just generations back

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