What is my silkie doing?


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2017
I have a 7 month old silkie who has been acting strange all morning. She was standing in the nest door making loud noises..trying to crow maybe? She wanders in and out of the box making noise. Is she a he? Or is she ready to lay?
That's so cute! I'm really new to chickens. Would she be offended if I sang with her? So excited
No not all but she may wonder what your doing. Is this your first chicken egg? She may not actually lay today but the first egg is very soon she may lay tomorrow or the next day. I think when they fist lay they can feel the egg inside them but it's not quite ready to lay she is just a bit excited to get in the nest.
We have a frizzle chicken who has been laying for a week or so.
No roosters that we know of.

No not all but she may wonder what your doing. Is this your first chicken egg? She may not actually lay today but the first egg is very soon she may lay tomorrow or the next day. I think when they fist lay they can feel the egg inside them but it's not quite ready to lay she is just a bit excited to get in the nest.

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