What is Santa bringing your chickens?

When mine were that little, the only "special" treat they got was watermelon, and they absolutely loved it.
Great! 'Cause they're going to love it!

I'll have to hunt some of the bird pecked pomegranites for them-- they love those
A nice warm barn. Steel wire mesh 10x10x8 ft stalls to keep the predators out. plenty of shavings and straw. a heated waterer. two hanging feeders FULL of poultry grain. A nice warm day for Christmas to free range. Finally they will get some bread tommorrow evening before bedtime. What more could a chicken want for Christmas.
Santa is bringing them a new pop door that I can open up early on a winter's morning from a second floor bedroom window to set them free to frolic in the snow without first having to dress myself and venture out in the snow before having a warm cup of coffee or even fully waking up or even having to commit to not going back to bed for another hour or two.

Beyond that, they will continue getting a steady diet of laying mash and cracked corn, totally a gift from my employer that is working hard to keep our company afloat in these hard times. My birds are truly thankful for this.

OMG, no kidding! I love my chicklets to death, but NONE of them have layed a single egg since we've moved them into their new coop 4 weeks ago. I blamed it on the move, and then the cold weather, and then the short days, but then I found out that others in Georgia are getting eggs just fine, and now I'm wondering, what's up...?
Mine got a big old bird seed bell... which they couldn't care less about!! They just stare up at it with this look on their faces like "where is the lettuce you usually hang here??" I don't get it...

I will probably give them last nights leftovers in a bit tho, that should excite them!

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