What is sweet PDZ?

Yes, it's safe. It's zeolite. See this page for details. From this web page:

Most horse owners have to stall their horses at least some of the time. That means urine, stinky stalls, ammonia, and other odors that are a hazard to your horses health.

Sweet PDZ is the leading stall freshener on the market and is the odor control and deodorizer of choice for thousands of horse, pet and livestock owners. Sweet PDZ is an all-natural, non-hazardous and non-toxic mineral. It captures, neutralizes and eliminates harmful levels of ammonia and odors. Sweet PDZ is a far superior alternative to lime products for ammonia removal and moisture absorption. Don’t risk compromizing your horse’s performance.

Ammonia is a health risk to your animals. The accumulation of ammonia in horse stalls and barns is more than an odor nuisance. Studies have concluded that low levels of ammonia stresses a horse’s upper respiratory airways placing them at risk of pneumonia, heaves, and other serious illnesses. Foals are especially vulnerable to these ailments. Sweet PDZ absorbs and neutralizes ammonia and odors while providing fresh and safe air for your horse in it’s stall.

It works well, I've used it for the year I've had chickens. I like it because it adds to the fertilizer content of the composted bedding.​
Is it easy to find? Has anyone used it for ducks and geese too?
My duck/goose pen is pretty smelly. There were horses living in the barn a couple of years ago. I think they get the stall wet and some of the horsey smell is revived. They also generate their own stinkiness!
I used it with my ducks while they were in the brooder (Iused stall dry). I don't need it with my adult ducks because somehow someway their pen stays fairly dry even with the pool! I still use it with my horses, guinea pigs, and chickens though.

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