What is the best bedding material for chicks? (Cheap and easy)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 18, 2010
Tallahassee, FL
I have 16 BO's, and I need a good materail for bedding. I am using papertowels on newspaper, but it's messy. Wood chips can be pricy. What is good and cheap?
For newly hatched chicks, you can keep them on papertowels. Once they get a few days old, you can switch them over to something else. You can get pine shavings (not cedar - toxic to chickens) from your feed store for around $7 for a large bale. It lasts for a while.

If you can't take the smell of the pine chips or if you are allergic to the dust, try the pellet bedding for small pets (hamsters) or just leaves raked out of the yard.
we use wood chips. I like the way it helps control mess and smell.
You can buy it bulk then bag yourself. In oklahoma city you can get
them cheap down by the fairgrounds I have been told.
WE have used paper shaveings from lumber2. lower cost but it did not
control smell at all....
I have use pinewood chips purchased, and also have successfully used pine needles raked up free from under the trees in my yard. I have tried lawn clippings, but they tend to mat down. Anything loose and fluffy should work if you keep it turned over as needed to prevent a crusty layer.
for the first week you really need to keep your babies on paper towels.

They have to have somthing with a 'grip' like you see on paper-towels,

or they could end up with spalyed legs. I personaly do not like to use

any type of wood chips because my chicks like to eat their bedding.

I don't want them eating wood chips, as it can cause problems. Pine shavings

seem to be ok. You can shred newspaper, and put a thick layer down or you can use

regular straw after they get a couple weeks old, it's really cheap.

good luck

i like to use low quality hay. the hens like it. it is cheap. it doesnt stink. It doesnt absorb but if the hens poo on the nest it will stick to the hay. Mine like it so good some choose to roost in them:mad:
I use paper towels over newspaper first until they learn to pick at the starter...then Aspen bedding, which you can find compressed in the rabbit section of most feed/pet stores. TSC has it. It compacts down better than shavings which tend to fly all over the place.

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