What is the best breed for brooding


In the Brooder
May 26, 2019
I have a production red hen, brown leghorns hen, barred rock hen, Americana hen, blue egg layer, buff orffingtion highbred hen... I would like to hatch eggs with a Brody hen but I dont know how to and which breed is best for brooding... My other question is how to get a chicken to go Brody

Thanks for ypur help
It seems when you don't want a broody, you get one :rolleyes: I raise for eggs; Pet with Benefits"; was given 5 Blue Wyandottes, 3 kept going broody on me. Gave them back & they wouldn't break. I had 4 BOs, one that I had to break :hmm

Like wamtazlady said, you can't make a broody, they either are or not. Silkies are supposedly "broody" girls, yes some breeds more than others but still it's all depends on the hen. If you really want one, maybe advertise for one ;)
Thank you for your help but do you have any advise to help one go Brody?
Cross your fingers. When you want a broody you seldom get one. I've had 3 go broody out of six this spring and I do not want a broody as they don't lay eggs.

There is nothing you can feed them to make them broody. Putting a dozen fake eggs in a nest will not make them go broody. It is a hormonal thing.
Start with a heritage breed and make sure you have a good rooster. The spring is the strongest signal to the hen and when she is after the first molt. Make sure you are giving them complete nutrition and not stressed with parasite load. Then you wait. The biology cannot be rushed.

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