What is the best Egg storage option for Small Farm?


7 Years
May 2, 2016
South Georgia
I find myself in the need for separate egg storage for my "For Sale" eggs. I have been looking at Mini Fridges, but their interior configuration limits the # of cartons that they will hold. Even the 4.2 cu size ones will only hold about 14 to 17 doz eggs. I am looking for something that holds at least 24 to 30 doz. I found a Tramontina Beverage one rated at 4.4 cu and it will hold 28 doz, but it's lowest temp setting is 40 degrees F. Which is at the top of recommended range of 35 to 40 degrees F. I can get the Tramontina for about $180 at Sam's. Also looking at a Haier's 4.6 cu Beverage center from Target for $170. It has a compressor which suggests it can go colder (not sure the Tramontina has one), but apparently you have to fiddle with a Phillips screw driver to get the Haier below 40 F. Suddenly wonder what the rest of you folks do for your egg storage? I get about 12 doz eggs a week to sell and then once the ducks get going, I should have another 3 to 4 doz weekly. So on slow sales week, I may need to hold them over a 2nd week. That many eggs in my regular fridge is putting a burden on my family's food storage. Anybody else have this problem and what did you do?
I refrigerate for a number of reasons. And yes I do wash them, but not immediately.
Reasons to refrigerate:
#1. I live in South Georgia, temperatures here are above 80 F for much of the year. This month they are pushing on 100. So no outside storage and I don't have that much counter space to keep them out in the kitchen.
#2. I take money for them and put my name on them, so I want to take all precautions, better safe than sorry when it comes to Salmonella.
#3. My customers expect it, I would not sell any if I did not wash and refrigerate, the customers just would not buy them.
#4. This county requires it. They also require a Candling license, which I have.

My husband gathers the eggs daily and puts them in his shop fridge, washing only the few that are very dirty.
Then 1 or 2 times a week I carry them into the house, wash them, sort them, box them and return them to the fridge.
Then I sell them that weekend or the next week. I don't like selling eggs more than 2 weeks old. 2 1/2 weeks old is the longest I've gone. Oh, I charge $2.20 a dozen. Not a big profit there, but it covers the expenses, we get lots of eggs to eat and we usually have 1 or 2 doz a week to give to someone in need. Not to mention the joy of watching them. Red & Black hens on a new mown lawn is a beautiful site! Sprinkle in some geese and ducks.... Gorgeous!
I'm in a similiar situation and about tired of hearing the wife complain about it and when I can't take it anymore I'll buy a free or cheap used one from craiglist to put it the utility room.
I tried using 2 1/2 dozen cardboard flats so I could cram more eggs into a smaller space but they dry out and lose too much weight.

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