What is the best way to "dispatch" of raccoons and other predators?

Actually this is probably one of the most humane methods. CO just replaces the O2 in the bloodstream leading quickly to unconsciousness and death. I wonder how quickly, though.
Actually this is probably one of the most humane methods. CO just replaces the O2 in the bloodstream leading quickly to unconsciousness and death. I wonder how quickly, though.

It didn't take long at all. Maybe a minute or two.
Before we had our wonderful Great Pyrenees dog (who needed to be trained around poultry) who completely took care of any predator problems - we would trap them and relocate to WMA. They are nasty creatures, so you will need gloves and something to pick up the cage with besides your hands. We put cardboard down in the back of the truck since they can carry rabies in their saliva and let it loose in the middle of nowhere.
Really?!?! Wow. I don't generally have the stomach for killing predators, but I might reconsider with this information.
Just a friendly reminder, this is completely illegial in most states.
Pellet gun wont penerate the skull I think. if it doesnt you just injure it and make it suffer and very very mad risking it becomes very agitated and it might get out of the cage with you around..even tho its a predator .. why make it suffer..
Drowning is a pretty horrific thing to do.. even for a pest.

Call your local pd or wildlife resources.. ask them what do to and explain the situation. Sometimes even cops will do the deed for you if needed be. I know ours will do it ( we only have 2 cop in our whole town)..

if you cant shoot a gun inside your city or county.. have someone you know with a 22 come by and have them put a coke bottle over the barrel.. It muffles the sound even more.If you use subsonic bullets it shouldnt even be heard..
Poisoning is a bd thing if it crawls off somewhere to die .. unless you can find it and bury it fast.. you run the risk of other animals eating the poisoned carcass.

shooting.. gassing it or electrocution is more of simple fast way to do it.
I hate killing any animal .. period.. but sometimes it has to be done.I am not proud of it and afterwards I dont feel so good about it either.. but it is what it is.. you have to protect your chickens
My sicko husband typed that in without my knowledge. He was reading the responses to me while I was doing the dishes and when he came to that one, I said, "Who in the world wrote that?!!!" I ran over to the computer and when I saw my name all I could think was, "I didn't write that!" It took a moment for my husband's laughter to penetrate and for me to realize that he was the culprit. Sorry everybody. That was not me!
Thanks for all of the advice. I appreaciate all of your words of wisdom.

I will consider the carbon monoxide idea. I definitely can't do the gun or poisoning. Too risky with a houseful of little ones.

I suppose all of this is a little premature, since I haven't caught the culprit yet. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

The remaining ducklings are terrified of going into their duck house (I suspect that they were settled in there for the night when the raccoon grabbed one through the open door.) I hope they calm down and waddle back in on their own...it's been raining cats and dogs all day today and I don't relish the idea of rounding them up (it's like herding jelly fish).

Thanks again, everybody.
PLEASE do NOT release them elsewhere! That is not an option! One man's middle-of-the-woods may be another man's property line.

And I've been told by people who drown them that they didn't think it was more cruel than any other method. They'd make sure the container was filled before putting the trap in, so the animal wasn't waiting in a panic while the water rose around it. And it would take less than a minute for it to go, perhaps the same amount of time it would take with poisoning or gassing.

They caution to first make sure the trap will completely fit in the container. Try it for fit before setting it. And to zip-tie or wire the trap doors securely shut before lifting it with the critter inside, especially before putting it in the container.
I cannot tell you how important this is. I trapped a feral cat, years ago, with a Have-a-Heart trap. I was giving the cat to the Humane Society to deal with; I just wanted it gone. I lifted the trap to put it in my car and the cat managed to squeeze out of the cage through a door. I'm still not sure how she slipped out. I made a grab for her, thinking, "I'm wearing heavy leather gloves, I'll just shove her back in." The cat got away, I spent 3 hours in the ER, and I still have a nasty scar on my hand where she bit right through the glove like it wasn't there.

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