What is the definition of "pullet"?

Fanny's Mom

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 2, 2008
The dictionary says "a female chicken under one year old." Okay, but is a day old biddie a female chicken? I lost all my chickens (don't ask) and months ago ordered 8 barred rock pullets and one rooster from a local shop with a good reputation for healthy poultry. Today was pick up day and when I got there, they advised me they didn't order any roosters because there wasn't enough call for them (wish they'd let me know when they made that decision because I've passed up several offers of roosters). Then they brought me out 8 1-day biddies in a box! I said they were biddies, not pullets. She said a pullet is a female hen and these have been sexed and are definitely female! Whenever I've gotten pullets in the past they were about 5 weeks old. . .not laying but not requiring the care biddies need. Needless to say, I didn't get them. . .if I did, they'd die of neglect right now. I'm a beekeeper and it's swarm season. . .no time to nurse biddies.

So who's right? Can you call a day old chick a pullet just because it's female?
Yep. But only if you KNOW it is a female.

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