What is the difference between fresh air and drafts?

Cool run. I am really impressed that by just leaving a spray bottle in there you have trained them to clean their own run. Where does a guy start to train birds to do that sort of thing???
I look at how our house for humans was designed to understand ventilation. Our house uses a fan system to draw in air around the windows and kicks it out via a 4" pipe. Exchanging fresh air for old air is one way to look at it ventilation; slow and steady. A draft is a strong flow of air and a direct breeze can be uncomfortable as well as steal away body heat unnecessarily for the birds.

For the coop: Because warm air rises, I try to have small openings down low to draw in fresh air and a huge opening across the width of the coop at the top to let out the warm air; these openings are also on opposites sides of the coop. This helps the air refresh from bottom to top; better air exchange.

clear as mud?

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