What is the difference?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
I have an Ameracauna that I ordered from Myers. She has green legs and little puffs of fur on the side of her face.

I read lots of different topics RE: Ameracaunas vs. EE vs. Araucana..

CAn somebody please explain the difference between them all???
hatcheries sell Easter Eggers. If you want info on ameraucana or araucana you can do a search at the top, it has been discussed MANY times.

Yep, if she was from a major hatchery, she's an Easter Egger. Hatcheries sell them as "Ameraucana" because they make more money that way.

Here's the BASIC rundown:

ARAUCANAS: Rumpless, ideally should also have TUFTS (small "wings" of feathers that grow from the ear area, NOT the same thing as MUFFS), must have a peacomb and should lay blue eggs. Come in several standardized color varieties. Must have YELLOW skin. Most varieties must have WILLOW (green) legs, with the exception of whites, which must have yellow legs, and blacks, which must have dark willow to black legs.

AMERAUCANAS: Tailed, have MUFFS (fluffy poofs on the cheeks that look a bit like fuzzy earmuffs), must have a peacomb and should lay blue eggs. Come in many standardized color varieties. Must have WHITE skin. All vareties must have SLATE (blueish-gray) legs, with the exception of blacks, which must have dark slate to black legs.

EASTER EGGERS: Almost always tailed, some have muffs, might have any type of comb though peacomb is most common, may lay blueish, greenish, brown, or any other color of eggs. Do not come in standardized color varieties and do not breed true. May have any color of legs, though willow (green) appears to be the most common. Their description defies standardization, so they are not accepted as an actual breed.

Hope that helps.

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Anne- that response should be stickied somewhere, since it is asked so frequently

DougD..i think i recieved my girls from you this spring?!!..we came during that bad storm..you lost electricity...remember?.....lol..if you are the people i bought my 2 girls from?..if not..oops..and sorry...

You live in Ware and got a couple Wheaten pullets, right?
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..i love them!..still no eggs though!...
..lol...i'll be wanting more from you!!..okay?....whenever you have any..next spring or whatever...i think i lost your # though....thanks, Wendy
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