What is the flooring in your coop.....

Post your address so we can send flowers...I think she may actually hurt you!
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I just have dirt in my permanent coop that is covered with about 4-6 inches of shavings that I stir up with a pitchfork every couple of days. But in my chick/adolescent pens, I put cheap tarps down first, then the shavings - mainly because they are in my tack room and I don't want them permanently stinking it up. But when they're big enough to join their elders, all I have to do is gather up the four corners of the tarp, and drag it down to the compost pile to dump it. It's SO easy.
We got a vinyl remnant at Home Depot for like $12.00 and glue it in, then tacked it down with strips of wood and spaples where needed. It covers the floor and all wall spaces up about 15 inches.

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HI ! I have raised chickens for many years and it was not until I started reading this website a few months ago that the linoleum flooring was even considered for our new brooder house. Two weeks ago we received our first hatchery orders from Cackle and McMurray. My DH stopped by our local FRED's and bought 2 boxes of peel and stick tile for about $18. It took maybe an hour to put down. I cannot stress to you enough how SIMPLE and EASY the areas are to clean. Straw is messy and stays so wet, but the money you invest in pine shavings and the flooring more than pays for its self. We are using the deep litter method. Every day I use the end of a broom handle and stir up their shavings. Any wet areas we remove and put in our compost pile. Every 2 days I put anywhere from a 1/4 to 1/2 bag of new on top. The chicks do not slip on the floor because the shavings are so deep. And we have had so much rain here in Arkansas that when we are finished in the brooder house I simply grab the broom I keep inside the door and sweep the entrance since there are no shavings; only in the babies areas. Good luck,
but I promise you it is well worth it !!
I used 12"X12" Linoleum squares from Lowes over a primed OSB on the floor and the poop board and it works great. It is a bit slippery on the feet of the chooks but nothing a layer of sand won't take care of.
I bought a cheap piece of linoleum from Lowe's, $25, I sweep it each day and mop it with bleach water once a week to keep it clean, at first I put shavingings but that was a mess, I swept them up and leave it as is, it works great!

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