What is the Highest safe temp for my Still air incubator.


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Lakeport, Ca.
So I Have read that my still air needs to be between 101-102, but once in a while I catch it at 102-102.5 I know 103 is bad, but is is also bad to go above 102? I'm usually home at least 20 hours a day, but this weekend I will be gone quite a bit, so I'm worried about it going over 102.

IMO, it shouldn't go over 102. if it does for a very short time, your ok. but i don't think it will be good if it does it for long period of time.
This is my first time using still air (my fan died on me) .... but I have ran a little hot in my bator when it was forced air.... and I had good hatches. Hopefully someone can tell you for sure... I'd like to know also. I have mine set at 102 right now... but it can fluctuate
I had a temp spike of 104 and I'm going to candle tonight to see if they are still growing. I'm hoping the still air part makes it easier to survive temp spikes since it already runs hotter than a forced air. (which makes no sense to me anyways... but
Ok, Thanks Guys, I'll do my best to keep an eye on it. I'm almost tempted to set up a web cam to be able to check on it, so I can run home if it spikes!
99,5 F is ideal.. I try to never go over 101F.. the reason they recommend the higher temps for still air is so that there are no cold spots in the bator..

I have one of my LG still air set up and am running some temp and humidity experiments.. will make a thread about it in about a week.

so far the humidity looks really good.. I have no trouble getting it up to 89%..

I am waiting for new wafers to come from gqf in the mail..
ok I have to ask...how long is a very short time and a long period? Are we talking minutes to hours or hours and days? My bator was at 102 for an unknown(at least 20 minutes) amount of time. I turned the eggs then realized a half hour or so later that I had forgotten to add more water then I noticed it was at 102.
Well, it takes some amount of time for the contents of the egg to change temp...even when the outside air fluctuates. But I couldn't give you an exact time. If you use a water wiggler with a thermometer you will see what temp the eggs are in relation to your air temp.
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