What is the silliest thing your kid has suggested?


Joyfully Addicted
10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
I have been trying to find something to break up the boredom for my son (age 7) who is out of school for the summer. I told him we had some scrap wood and that I would help him build whatever he wanted to in the morning. I thought we would paint whatever we created. After thinking about this for quite some time he comes to me and says, "Mom I know what I want to build." I asked what it was and he said, " One of those machines that turns coal into diamonds so that you and Daddy can get married"
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What I am wondering is how in the world he knew we were NOT married. We call each other husband and wife and live as such. We just have never had the money for the wedding we want so we decided to wait and save up. Maybe because I don't wear rings. I don't know. Who can wear rings when you scoop poop all the time LOL
My 7yo son asked just yesterday...
"Mom, which hen was the rooster married to?"
I answer, The rooster wasn't married to any of them. Chickens don't get married... wouldn't that be silly - to go to a chicken wedding?
He questions further, "Well, how do we get baby chicks, them, if the rooster isn't married?"
I pause, think a minute and carefully reply, He likes all the hens and... since chickens don't get married, well, he just has... all the hens... um, for his um, girlfriends.
And he just comes right out and asks it: "So how do the rooster and his girlfriends get chicks if they don't get... married?"
I quickly answer Ask Daddy.
"Don't you know, Mummy?"
Oh geez! I know a little, but daddy knows more than I do ask him when we get home. Hey, lets sing a song...

We homeschool and we haven't quite made it to life science yet... he's only 7! I was trying to avoid the whole conversation since my 4yo daughter was listening intently the whole time.
I was flipping channels and went to the bathroom, came back and it was one of those reality shows where the woman is having a baby and she was screaming to high heaven so I reached for the remote real fast and changed it. My 7 yr old son says, "Mom it must really hurt to have to cough up a baby!!" All I could do was say yes it does son.
I just laughed so loud that all the chicks (in the brooder across the room) scurried into the corner & fell silent.
I had my daughter at home with a midwife, so my son has a pretty good idea how babies come out.
He just doesn't know how they get in.
Glad you got a good laugh. I know its wrong of me to mislead him but I really don't think he needs to know that at 7 years old. Wait til he is 42 and I will explain everything very clearly.
I can only imagine what is running through his head. I can just see him shaking his head thinking, "Boy, sissy is in big trouble for climbing in there!!"

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