What is the youngest your hens have started laying? What breed?

One of my light brahmas started at 19 weeks. Now at one week shy of 6 months at least three of her light sisters and two of her buff sisters are laying now too. Lil'Bit (a dark brahma) is throwing an egg in there every couple of days. My other dark brahmas don't look anywhere close to being ready, despite being three times Lil'Bit's size. Most days I get six eggs, except for the days when Lil'Bit makes a contribution.
ETA: I can always tell Lil'Bit's eggs. She "kisses" them by sprinkling the larger end with tiny spots.
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My Golden Comets started at exactly 19 weeks. I have 1 Buff Orp that started at 19 weeks and 3 days, but the rest of the Orps appear to have a little longer to go.
My Golden Comet laid at 20 wk 5 days. The RIRs at 21 weeks, Barred Plymouth Rocks at 22 weeks, EEs at 23 weeks, and Black Orpington at 24 weeks. Still waiting on the Buff Orpington.....unless she's hiding them in the woods.
My banty cochin had laid eggs and hatched a clutch of chicks by the time she was 5 months old. She is to this day the best broody I have.

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