Dec 6, 2015 #1 mommiezoo In the Brooder Dec 6, 2015 13 0 24 Arizona "She" was in the pin with all the red sex link but the only one with this marking. [/IMG]
Dec 7, 2015 #3 DeepDishChix Chirping May 23, 2015 313 23 78 Easter Egger. Ours looked exactly like that.
Dec 7, 2015 #4 Sunshine0235 Songster 9 Years Jun 2, 2011 1,043 67 206 Lebanon Ohio Too early to tell. There are lots of chipmunk colored chicks. Try again in 5-6 weeks when it is mostly feathers and we might have a better idea
Too early to tell. There are lots of chipmunk colored chicks. Try again in 5-6 weeks when it is mostly feathers and we might have a better idea
Dec 7, 2015 #5 yochickiemomma Chirping May 8, 2015 494 67 93 Michigan Definitely looks like an Easter egger. But sunshine is right its early to be certain.
Dec 7, 2015 Thread starter #6 mommiezoo In the Brooder Dec 6, 2015 13 0 24 Arizona Thanks! I was just surprised she was the only one that looked that way
Dec 18, 2015 Thread starter #7 mommiezoo In the Brooder Dec 6, 2015 13 0 24 Arizona Here's a few updated pics. And one of her and her red sex link friend
Dec 18, 2015 #8 yochickiemomma Chirping May 8, 2015 494 67 93 Michigan She looks like my EEs did at that age.
Dec 18, 2015 Thread starter #9 mommiezoo In the Brooder Dec 6, 2015 13 0 24 Arizona I can't wait to see if that is what she is My kids will be thrilled with colored eggs but I also know they don't lay as often lol
I can't wait to see if that is what she is My kids will be thrilled with colored eggs but I also know they don't lay as often lol
Dec 18, 2015 #10 yochickiemomma Chirping May 8, 2015 494 67 93 Michigan I have 3 EE and I usually get 2-3 green/blue eggs a day. However mine did take the longest to start laying out of my 9 hens.
I have 3 EE and I usually get 2-3 green/blue eggs a day. However mine did take the longest to start laying out of my 9 hens.