what is this color pattern


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
minneapolis, Minnesota
This is my EE hen, Esmeralda. Is she what is called partridge? Regardless of what pattern , I think she is a very pretty bird.
No, it's not Partridge. There really isn't a name for that color. It's typical EE hen color. Someone should come up with a name for it!
We should develop names for these Easter egger colors. I usually use "ish" when describing their colors. I'd call this hen partridge-ish. I have one I call blue wheaton-ish. Shows I honestly know they're not really that color, but can convey to other folks familiar with EE colors what a bird looks like without posting a pic.
That is the most typical EE coloring, and it's closest to a wild-type I think - that's all I've heard it referred to as, aside from "quail" and BBR-ish.

The problem with classifying or naming EE colors is that, well, you can't. Not really, anyway - not like you would with a recognized breed. For that, the color would need to fit a set of parameters and be able to be reliably reproduced - which hardly ever happens with EE's and something I've never heard of anyone being able to do (outside of B/Bl/S). Even this wild-type coloration can vary drastically in hue and intensity.

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