What is this in my egg?


8 Years
Dec 29, 2015
Stratford, Ct
Hi everyone...I have two hens, I think only one of them is laying on a regular basis and they only started a few weeks ago...I cracked an egg this mornin and found a weird thing in it...any ideas? My parents have had egg laying hens for years and years so I've had fresh eggs before but I've never come across this...Thanks!
I'm not sure. I think it may be what is called a meat spot which is a bit of tissue that for whatever reason got in the egg during its formation. Meat spots and blood spots are not harmful but they look bad.
You might want to post that photo at "Chicken behaviors and egg laying." I know it is harmless but I sure wouldn't eat that egg
I'm a very squeamish person. Welcome to Backyard chickens.

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