What is this tiny bantam breed?


9 Years
Aug 11, 2014
Kaufman, Texas
I purchased this little bantam at the feed store because he was so darn cute! It was a straight one special from cackle hatchery of assorted bantams. He is very small in comparison to the other ones I purchased at the same time. About half the size. The feed store said they were all hatched at the same time.

What I love about this one (I hope he's a rooster with personality). Is he's so calm. I would have thought otherwise.

I went back to find another one but no luck. I did find a similar small one, but not the same.

Here he is in all his cuteness. His tail feathers go up, he has short legs and his wing feathers are carried low.

I'm thinking, English, Dutch or sebright (sp) ?



Here are the breeds cackle carries in their assortment special

As many breeds as possible included in the assortment. Hatchery choice of over 61 varieties: Easter Egg Chickens/(Ameraucanas); White & Black Silkies,; Gold & Silver Sebrights; White, Red, Black, Barred, Buff, Blue, Gold Laced, Birchen, Silver Penciled, Splash and Partridge Cochins; White Black Tailed, White, Gray, Mottled & Black and Buff Black Tailed Japanese; Crele, Red Pyle, Wheaten, Silver Duckwing, Golden Duckwing, Black Breasted Red, Barred, Mille Fleur, Spangled, Brown Red, Ginger Red, Self Blue, Splash, White and Wheaton Old English, Mille Fleur and Porcelain d'uccle; Quail Belgian Bearded d'anver; Rhode Island Red; Dominique; Buff Orpington, Barred Rock; Black Breasted Red Cubalaya; White Faced Black Spanish; Blue, Splash or Black Rosecomb; and others as available.

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