What is this world coming to ?????

PunkërTeçhñöRøø§ter :

the health nuts torn ol' waffle house down !

get the gun it's pay back time
Boyd, It will be worth it! Once you get that degree you are golden. I've always wished I had the innerds to treat people. I can do anything, and I mean anything with an animal but can't handle anything that would involve the medical knowledge to help people. Have you thought about moving once you get your degree or are you pretty established in Michigan?
as soon as my baby boy is either old enough to move with me (3 years min) or graduates (9 years) I will be going back to Texas. Unfortunately I have an x wife who has of late started getting along with me, and a wife who is very understanding and patient. She was able to finish her degree and stuff while I was on hold anyways, now I sort of look at this as an opportunity for me to go back, finish or whichever

I used to have a factory job, pension with the union etc..... but well, we all know how thats gone for us

I started my training 4 years ago and have been in limbo for a couple of years........... With such a shortage of healthcare pro's I am suprised at the long waiting lists out there. That's why I figure I'm going to have to pay top dollar to get 'r done. A 3.69 isn't high enough for me to leapfrog ahead and get my clinicals here.
Boyd I have to tell you I finished my degree in '07 majoring in Human Biology with an emphasis in health science and have a minor in Chemistry........ and my job is as a part time Lab Tech at a cheese making facility. Anyone who thinks this recession started in '08 needs to have their head checked.....

Yes I know it is a job, but it requires a HS diploma and I feel as though all the education (that is STILL not paid for) is leaking out of my brains!!!! And on top of that iot influences the jobs I am trying to get since the pay scale is in the toilet!

I would just bite the bullet and go back now. It will be worth it in the long run.

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