What is this?!??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 31, 2013




I'm guessing mixed buff Orpington? It's huge. Bigger then all my hens, and about 14/15 weeks. It has always been shy. People who have seen it in person have said female, but I've seen it mount some of my hens. I tried hatching the eggs, but the eggs weren't fertile. I am so confused!
Those big legs, tail and saddle feathers, and the mounting of hens makes me think it's male. The head doesn't scream rooster, but the tail end looks male. I'm betting you hear some crowing soon.
I've been leaning towards male also, but it really doesn't have saddle feathers. Round round round. It has both male and female characteristics.
I vote rooster. It is unusual that he doesn't have saddle feathers yet. They'll likely come in in the next week or two.

He's probably a bit too young yet for fertile eggs. Just give him another month or so. ;)
I'm really not seeing and rooster signs, except for perhaps the thick legs. However, if you've seen him mounting other hens, you probably have a rooster (though sometimes dominant hens mount each other).
I agree with Wyandottes7--I'm not really seeing rooster traits with this bird. However, mounting is usually only done by roosters.
After just watching it for awhile, I've decided it's a female. I kept getting flash backs of it's mother, who was (RIP) very masculine, but a prolific layer.

After just watching it for awhile, I've decided it's a female. I kept getting flash backs of it's mother, who was (RIP) very masculine, but a prolific layer.

Looks like you may be right….I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope you hear the egg song and not crowing soon!

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