What is up with this roo?!

he looks like my rooster except all with a naked neck and no tail lol

I agree with 'flnatv' from Paris - you guys are hilarious! My husband thinks I'm nuts, sitting on the computer, laughing at the things I read on BYC! One of the funniest I read was - '
"Oh, no, my finger twitched, and I just bought hatching eggs!" I love this forum!

By the way, that's one ugly rooster - sorry!
Wow, can't believe I got so many replies! You are all cracking me up! Thanks for the heads up on the lice/mites. I'll have to dust my 7 girls before bringing them to our new home.

Oh, and he is the only roo so there is not another dominant roo pecking his feathers out. It's all the hens doing it!

My husband says he has a "skullet" haha! He does have a strange patch of long feathers on his head. Poor thing. I hope, for his sake, that the girls cut him some slack!
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That would be interesting to have some chickens like that... you may start your own chicken breed...Who knows?

He is cuteish... well sorta I dont know I would love to have him...just too be different....

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