What is wrong with me?!?!


Sparkle Magnet
May 6, 2009
Akron, Ohio
I, for the past few weeks, have found myself drooling over, of all things....


And now I just found a CL add for frizzled turkens, and EE, and I have the food and the bedding, I have everything I need for more baby chicks, plus I need more layers, because I have only two, and one of them is notoriously unreliable... Oh BYC people, please, convince me that I do not need these ugly, alien, adorable birds!!!!
"What is wrong with me?", Tani begged.

Now that is a loaded question if ever there was one.
Where shall we start?

Oh...just the chicken part?

I never cared for the Turkens.
But I promise myself some Easter Eggers next spring.
And my daughter wants some Sultans, I believe they're called.
No help here I think all these breeds are neat and would get a variety if I could. Not into the turkens,but they sure are interesting looking birds.
I loved that story, it was epic!!! You people who planned the prank were brilliant, BTW.

What "People"? The plan was all mine...everyone else just helped execute it.

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