What is wrong with my Sultan?


5 Years
Oct 22, 2014
i have a sultan who I now have to separate from my flock because she can't see at all because of her feathers so she's dropping weight. She's covered in yellow mites, and has a weird foamy fungus growing i the feathers next to her beak???? I posted posted to this but what is it????
Looks like lice eggs. You need to dust them with poultry dust or seven dust. And you need to clean and treat your coops. Also I think you are suppose to try to remove the lice eggs before they hatch. And retreat. I've never had to deal with lice before, just mites. So hopefully someone with more experience with them will help out. If not treated lice and mites will kill your birds quickly. Also good to give them some vitamins, Rooster Booster or Red Cell to help with blood loss.
Ugh yep... It's lice! That's why her feathers are all tattered.... We gave her ivermectin, and are currently removing the eggs...... These things are nasty

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