What is wrong with this picture?

16 in my house talk about crazy
Super Cute!!! My malamute mix still loves to be picked up and carried (he is 90 lbs) It is my workout!! I love my lapdog!
We once rescued a 140lb female rottweiler (yes, she was gigantic for a female rott) and she was absolutely convinced she was a lap dog. If anyone within 100 yard made anything even resembling a lap (ie kneeled down, squatted down, sat down, etc) she was there in a second and "on the lap." I put that in quotes because she was so huge only about 25% of her body actually fit on the lap, while her two ends hung off the sides, but she was SO happy there and would proceed to lick your face until you begged for mercy
Unfortunately, she died of leukemia a few years ago, but she was my girl.

My current dog is a 100lb mutt and he also enjoys a good lap now and again.

Giant lap dogs are the best! Don't ever discourage your baby! He is very sweet, and will get much bigger, I think! Cherish him!

aww...snuggle bugs.

giggle giggle.

My 2 shepard dogs have fun like that...but my old girl is getting sooo old now. It makes me happy when I see her outside and doing a little gallop to ensue chase from her male buddy.

I'm dog sitting my mom's shiatzu mix right now and my shepard mix (black and tan with purple spots on his tongue) comes over to me for lovin and lil dog RUNS over, jumps in my lap and growls and snaps at him....she's just a lil selfish dog...can't share anyone. It's the first time she's done it with me...she's always done it with my mom. And I always tell my mom I'm gonna call that british woman who hosts "It's me or the dog," because my mom does exactly what the lady says not to do when she does that....she pets her!!! That lets her know...i did good.
She is supposed to stand up, knocking her down to the floor, and turn her back. That's telling her...no, not that behavior, it's not acceptable.

I love that show.

Don't forget to mention the dog f**t's that resonate through your nostrils. They wait until they are good and close to you-mine-usually butt in the face, before they "deposite" thier present. (currently have 8 dogs and 9 pups in the house) Yup, craziness for sure.
Well since there was no pic to this thread my dog decided he would crawl up in my lap and show what locked hearts had to deal with. My dog is a 50lb mix breed. And I'm 5' 3.5" lol

Here is Titan in my lap

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